We are open Monday - Saturday from 9 a.m. til 4:30 p.m. Last admission is at 3:30 p.m.

Birthday Parties

Schedule your party now

Each Party Is Two Hours Of Fun for everyone!

The first hour is spent playing and exploring in the museum. Then it’s into the Party Room to celebrate.

  • Get behind the wheel of an actual fire truck, slide down a pole, put out a fire (simulated) and try on a real firefighter’s uniform in our Play Area

  • Feel the heat of the FedEx Fire Room

  • Test your ability to find an escape route to survive a fire

  • Talk to Ole’ Billy from the horse-drawn era of firefighting

  • Learn how to be a 9-1-1 dispatcher

Reserving Your Party

Choose your date and time slot:


  • Saturday: 10:00am-Noon, 12:30pm-2:30pm, 3:00pm-5:00pm
  • Sunday: 1:00pm-3:00pm, 3:30pm-5:30pm


Call (901) 636-5650 to book your party by phone, or click the button below to fill out a request form online.

Schedule your party now

Hottest Birthday In Town!

Schedule your party now
Five-Alarm Party
Includes the use of our Party Area (located upstairs in the main building) and museum admission for up to 20, 30, or 50 people. Additional guests are welcome for the reduced rate of $10.00, (ages 2 and under, no charge in our admissions policy, does NOT apply to birthdays).
SAT (20 Guests) - $450
SAT (30 Guests) - $680
SAT (50 Guests) - $880

SUN (Private - 20 Guests) - $550
SUN (Private - 30 Guests) - $780
SUN (Private - 50 Guests) - $980
20 helium balloons and red tablecloths
Place settings (cups, plates, napkins, and spoons) with a fire truck and Dalmatian theme.
20 Plastic Fire Chief Helmets. (additional helmets may be purchased in our Gift Shop-no swapping for additional colors)
Fire Museum of Memphis T-Shirt with the Dalmatian logo for one birthday child. (extra t-shirts are available for $10 each)
Party Favor Bags Add-on
Party favor bags are available for $7.00 each and can be ordered by calling (901) 636-5650 and speaking to the Birthday Manager at least two days prior to your party. The cost of the favors will be added to your total party bill.
A Fire Museum pencil with fire-themed eraser
Fire Museum Sticker Book
Jr. Firefighter Badge Sticker
Firefighting Rubber Duckie
Fire Safety Coloring Book
Pack of Crayons
2 Fire Themed Temporary Tattoos
**We reserve the right to substitute items of equal value when necessary.

Ready To Schedule?

First, select a date on the calendar. A list of available times for that day will appear below. Once you have selected a date & time, complete the form and click 'Send'. 

You will then be taken to a page where you can pay your deposit.
Calendar is loading...
Partially booked

Party Type

 Saturday (20 Guests) $450 Saturday (30 Guests) $680 Saturday (50 Guests) $880 Sunday (Private - 20 Guests) $550 Sunday (Private - 30 Guests) $780 Sunday (Private - 50 Guests) $980

First Name (required):

Last Name (required):

Email (required):

Phone (required):





Please note that you can bring up to 20, 30, or 50 participants to your party.
Additional guests are welcome for an additional $10.00/person. ALL AGES COUNT TOWARDS THE TOTAL PARTICIPANTS.
Please note that the required $100 deposit is nonrefundable.
Please note that a $150 late fee will be charged for every 15 minutes past the scheduled party time.

Child's Name (required):

Child's Age They Will Be Turning (required):

Shirt Size:

Estimated Number of Guests (including children):

Member Type

Red Door members receive a 25% discount on the price of their party. Museum Members receive a 10% discount on the price of their party. If you are one of these members, please choose the correct option below. An administrator will verify this.

 N/A Red Door Member Museum Member

Did a Fire Museum employee refer you? If so, enter their name below:

Please Review The Following Rental Agreement Liability Waiver

  • Rental includes only the area designated as the Fire Museum of Memphis (FMOM) Birthday Party Area and includes set-up and clean-up times.
  • Birthday Parties are set up for a total of 20, 30, or 50 guests. Additional guests will be charged at a rate of $10 per person, regardless of age.
  • Renters shall be at least 21 years of age and shall be present during the ENTIRE event. The person signing the rental agreement will be considered the responsible party in case of damage, theft, or disturbances during the rental event. The Renter is responsible for the actual cost of repairs for any and all damages to facilities or grounds during the rental event. Up to a 30% administrative charge may be assessed in addition to the cost for repairs.
  • If Renter does not arrive at the designated time, FMOM Staff will not be responsible for allowing the party to go past it’s intended time period.
  • Renter is responsible for the supervision and control of the individuals attending the birthday party, to prevent injury and ensure safety before, during and after use of the facility. FMOM Staff reserve the right to intervene if it is deemed that birthday party supervision is inadequate. This intervention includes but is not limited to: asking those causing the disruption to leave the museum, requiring that the entire party leave the museum with NO REFUND, or any other such action that the Birthday Manager deems necessary.
  • There may be other guests in the museum during your party, so please be respectful of the other guests visiting the Museum.
  • The Museum is a unique community space tasked with storing and displaying our community heritage. Running and/or excessive horseplay in the Museum, is not allowed.
  • Additional equipment brought in by the renter must be pre-approved by the FMOM.
  • Decorations may not be attached to walls, windows, ceilings, etc.
  • Rice, birdseed, confetti, or glitter is not permitted inside or on the ground of the Fire Museum of Memphis.
  • Use of candles or any other types of open flames, other than those on the birthday cake, are strictly forbidden.
  • The use of or consumption of any alcoholic beverages during Birthday Parties where minors are present is strictly forbidden. If alcohol is found to be present, the entire party will be cancelled immediately and there will be NO REFUND.
  • Any additional materials brought by the Renter, including food and beverages, decorations and miscellaneous materials must be removed at the conclusion of the birthday party. The FMOM is not responsible for items left behind.
  • The Renter must sufficiently, and to the satisfaction of the Birthday Manager, clean the Birthday Party Area of any paper, food spilled on the floor or tables, drinks spilled on the floor or tables, paper, party favors, balloons or other brought in party favors/refreshments. Renters who refuse to clean up after their party will be assessed a $150 cleaning fee before leaving the museum.


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**A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your date.

**Prices are subject to change without notice.

**You may arrive 15 minutes before your party to set up.  Please be on time as another party may follow.  

**A $150.00 late fee will be charged for every 15 minutes past the scheduled party time.  We are sorry for this inconvenience, but recent situations have necessitated the implementation of this requirement.
