Last admission into the museum is at 3:30 pm. No free admission on Tuesdays

6th Annual Hero Day

The Memphis Fire Department in conjunction with the Girl Scouts Heart of the South and Memphis Fire Fighters Foundation will be hosting the 6th annual HERo Day for young women (Grades 6-12) at the Chester Anderson Fire Campus from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on April 30, 2022. This event is open to all girls regardless of Girl Scout membership. The Girl Scouts will also be reaching out to Girls, Inc., the Boys and Girls Club, Big Brother/Big Sister, and local schools to include girls from across the region. We estimate that up to 200 young women will participate. If you have a family member who wants to participate, they must register by April 15, 2022. Fire personnel will not be able to sign up girls after the deadline nor will they be allowed to sign up the day of the event. The cost of HERo Day is $20 and includes lunch.

The purpose of the event is to give young women an opportunity to learn about fire and emergency service careers and to interact with firefighters, paramedics and dispatchers. This exposure to new ideas and activities gives young women the opportunity to consider non-traditional occupations. Stations will be set up to give the girls hands-on experience in firefighting, EMS and emergency dispatching skills. The day will culminate with a battalion race to reinforce the importance of working as a team.

The stations will include:

  • First Aid
  • USAR Search and Rescue Dogs
  • Rappelling
  • Handling Fire Hose and Spraying Water
  • Maneuvering through a Maze
  • Familiarization with Turnout Gear and Safety Equipment
  • Riding a Fire Engine
  • Extrication Demonstration

Article written by Kimberly Crafton


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