The museum will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of MLK Day.


October is National Fire Prevention Month across the country. And 2022 is the 100th Anniversary of National Fire Prevention Month. Here in Memphis, the Fire Museum of Memphis is hosting a Full Room Fire Prevention Exhibit around this year’s theme of “Fire Won’t Wait, Plan Your Escape!” Learning how to safely get out of a house or structure during a fire is the surest way to survive, but you must have a plan.

Fire Prevention Week is October 9 – 16, 2022. During this week (October 10 – 15 only), which also happens to be Fall Break in Shelby County, you can bring your children into the museum so they can learn Fire Prevention and Safety from our Fire Education Experts for $5 per person. Memphis and Shelby County students can use the 901 Student Passport for FREE entrance to the museum. Passports can be obtained at

The museum will have some special Fire Prevention Week activities for kids. These include an escape maze, learning stop-drop-roll with our amazing Dalmatians, making an escape plan for their house, and a coloring contest. The winners of the coloring contest will have their pictures displayed at the museum for the remainder of the month.

“Actually, the entire museum has a theme of Fire Prevention and Safety year around,” said Kimberly Crafton, executive director. “We have the FedEx Fire Room where visitors can get a first-hand account of what a house fire is like, without being in danger. They can view the Fire Safety House to see what types of fire hazards are in a home. They can even drive a virtual reality fire truck to a fire. These are fun ways for kids to learn a very serious lesson about fire safety and prevention.”

Fire Prevention Week is October 9-16 and is the perfect time to talk with your family about fire safety. It’s also a great time to install smoke detectors in your home. Three out of every 5 home fire deaths are in homes without working smoke detectors. For more information call the Fire Museum of Memphis at 901-636-5650 or visit our website

Article written by Kimberly Crafton


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